Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Song by Saosin

Everything was like a time-lapse video. It's been years, seven to be exact, and our paths, I never thought would cross again. I was indicisive whether to meet up or not because, after all, a person who once crossed your life and touched it will forever leave its mark. Whether good or bad, it will be there. His, is more like a good print. 

Seven years. Who would ever thought he will still have plans to see me after all those years? After all the mean acts I inflicted? After all the harsh words I have said? Who would ever think that loyalty still exist? Loyalty to a person whom you never had at the first place. 

The book shelves were high. I actually wanted to bury myself in those books and never appear in front of him but I didn't have any choice but to show up. And when he was actually facing me, I didn't feel a thing. I just felt as if my chest is gonna explode. Nothing but the drumbeats. And when he spoke, I did feel the nervousnesss in him too. 

He had a table reserved. The crews were greeting me by my nick. Yeah, even the crews called me "android" and when I sat, I asked him what has gotten into his mind and he said he just can't seem to bear our proximity now that he's in the country. I would be a liar if I say that I am not mesmerized by the way he looks now. He totally changed. I now have Brandon Boyd in front of me and I thought about that boy who kept on standing for hours outside the campus waiting, just to see me ignore him in an instant. I thought of all the bad things I said and of all the actions I did to shove him away but he is still in front of me now, after all those years, after all those embarrasment, after all those strains.